
The Brummies ‘08

Once again, it’s time for the BrumBrum Awards honoring excellence in various media over the course of the last year:


The cover to the book, Bottomless Belly ButtonBottomless Belly Button by Dash Shaw
I think this is the largest graphic novel I’ve ever read, coming in at 720 pages. I kinda imagined that this was a book by Noah Baumbach in which Noah was able to grow beyond the rut he got in with Margot at the Wedding.

The cover to the book, Born Standing UpBorn Standing Up by Steve Martin
I grabbed this because I was particularly interested in Dane Cook’s parallels to Steve’s stand-up career (not really). And I’m a sucker for any tidbits I can find on the Jerk.

The cover to the book, A Practical Guide to RacismA Practical Guide To Racism by C. H. Dalton
The perfect book to keep by your side when you need to inflame the racial hatred that you’ve worked so hard to hide away.

Runners Up: Burma Chronicles by Guy Delisle, More Information Than You Require by John Hodgman, Blue Pills: A Positive Love Story by Frederik Peeters


The cover to the album, The Way I See ItThe Way I See It by Raphael Saadiq
Not as innovative as his first release, but still is probably tied for the best album out of the recent Motown revival along with…

The cover to the album, JIMJIM by Jamie Lidell
The first guy I know about to do the whole modern Motown sound came out with a close to perfect album. Every track is solid.

The cover to the album, MetropolisMetropolis: The Case Suite by Janelle Monáe
I have a strong feeling after hearing this album that she’s going to be huge, with crossover appeal to a number of audiences. She’s supposed to release another EP in Q1 of ’09.

The cover to the album, Ornacular SpectacularOracular Spectacular by MGMT
More rock like this, please.

Runners Up: Droppin’ Science Fiction by the Mighty Underdogs, Shine by Estelle, Doomtree by Doomtree, New Amerykah, Pt. 1 by Erykah Bad


The poster to the movie, Bigger, Stronger, FasterBigger Stronger Faster by the Chris Bell
I went into watching this movie against steroids in competition to now not knowing what to think. Might not be as superbly told as Man On Wire for a documentary, but it had more of an impact on me.

The poster to the movie, Let The Right One InLet The Right One In by Tomas Alfredson
I thought about this movie for a couple days after watching it. The two 12-year-olds in this do just as good of a job as most of this years nominees.

The poster to the movie, The Dark KnightThe Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan
A little bit of an obvious choice, but that doesn’t stop it from being hella good.

Runners Up: Slumdog MillionaireRole ModelsThe Wackness