
The Brummies ‘09

After 6 months of serious and strenuous evaluation, the BrumBrum Academy is proud to announce the Brummies for 2009. Previously: 12


Cover for Boom Shadow by Nino MoschellaBoom Shadow by Nino Moschella
2nd album from the guy who I anticipate new work from the most. It’s a near-guarantee that I’ll love every piece of music that he puts out.

Cover for "Good City for Dreamers" by General ElektriksGood City for Dreamers by General Elektriks
It’s been a while since their last release, but he picks up right where he left off 6 years ago.

Cover for "Ray Guns are not Just the Future" by the Bird and the BeeRay Guns Are Not Just the Future by The Bird & the Bee
Easily the closest I get to pop in my listening habits, but I think I’m a sucker for Greg Kurstin’s production

Runners Up: Carried Away by the People Under the Stairs, BLACKsumers’night by Maxwell, The Ecstatic by Mos Def


Movie Poster for "Star Trek" by JJ AbramsStar Trek by the J.J. Abrams
After the new Batman movies and this, I’m hoping that folks are figuring out how to properly handle summer blockbusters.

Movie poster for "In the Loop" by Armando IannucciIn The Loop by Armando Iannucci
Hands down the best use of swearing in the last decade. Even better than the TV series.

Movie poster for "The Informant!" by Steven SoderberghThe Informant! by Steven Soderbergh
My favorite thing about this movie is that this guy really exists.

Runners Up: MoonGood Hair


Cover for the book "Asterios Polyp by David MazzucchelliAsterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli
I remember the author from one of my favorite super-hero graphic novels back in ’88, but I’m glad to see that 20 years later he’s done his first self-written graphic novel.

I didn’t realize it until I started this list, but what the hell has happened to me?! I apparently stopped reading this year. Asterios Polyp is the only book that I can remember reading the whole thing. I mean, I read a few things that were published before 2009 which don’t count, but still…

Man… I better clean up my act.

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